I have a cJSON tree in which I am saving the x and y values of a cosine I am generating in a while loop.
It looks like this:
"myXY": [{
"x": 2.0110001564025879,
"y": 0.99761265516281128
myXY is an Array, that I am adding to the cJSON: "myJSON", like this:
myXY = cJSON_AddArrayToObject(myJSON, "myXY");
I then add the values by creating an object "myNestedArray" and adding it to "myXY":
cJSON_AddNumberToObject(myNestedArray, "x", pOutput->x);
cJSON_AddNumberToObject(myNestedArray, "y", pOutput->y);
cJSON_AddItemToArray(myXY, myNestedArray);
(pOutput being a struct I am passing to my "parse_output_to_json"-function.)
Finally I am piping my "cJSON-string" with stdout to my second program "receiver.c".
char *string = cJSON_Print(myJSON);
write(1, string, strlen(string));
Up until now everything works fine.
Now I want to rewrite the "y" in "myXY" inside the cJSON-tree with sinf("x" /*the "x" value in "myXY"*/)
As it turns out, this is way more complicated then I thought:
int main() {
/* variables*/
char buffer[50];
char *string = NULL;
/* master-loop*/
while (1) {
/* cJSON variables*/
cJSON *myNewXY = NULL;
/* parsing the pipe*/
read(0, buffer, 50);
myNewJSON = cJSON_Parse(buffer);
/* adjusting setter parameters*/
myNewXY = cJSON_GetObjectItem(myNewJSON, "myXY");
xValJSON = cJSON_GetArrayItem(myNewXY, 0);
/* setting the new (sin) value*/
cJSON_SetNumberValue(myNewXY, sinf(cJSON_GetNumberValue(xValJSON)));
/* printing the new values*/
string = cJSON_Print(myNewJSON);
write(1, string, strlen(string));
/*avoiding stack overflow?*/
return 0;
As of now my code compiles, prints out the first value (cos(0)) and then gives me a core dumb and stops. Like this:
./cos_generator | ./receiver
"myXY": [{
"x": 0,
"y": 1
}Speicherzugriffsfehler (Speicherabzug geschrieben)
EDIT: My cos_generator.c code is:
/* includes*/
#include "cJSON.c"
#include <math.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define MY_PI 3.141592
/* OutputData struct*/
struct OutputData {
float x;
float y;
void parse_output_to_json(cJSON *pJson, struct OutputData *pOutput);
/*main function*/
int main() {
cJSON *myJSON = cJSON_CreateObject(); /* Object is named 'myJSON'*/
/* generator loop*/
while (1) {
static int counter = 0;
float t_s = counter * 0.001f;
float f = 1;
struct OutputData current = {
.x = t_s,
.y = cosf(2 * MY_PI * f * t_s),
parse_output_to_json(myJSON, ¤t);
char *string = cJSON_Print(myJSON);
write(1, string, strlen(string));
/* Return val of main*/
return 0;
void parse_output_to_json(cJSON *pJson, struct OutputData *pOutput) {
/* Variables*/
char *string = NULL; /* string to be written to*/
cJSON *myXY = NULL; // cJSON array
size_t index = 0;
/* Add Array 'myXY' to the myJSON*/
myXY = cJSON_AddArrayToObject(pJson, "myXY");
/* Add mySinXY to myNestedArray*/
/* make array object inside the master object??*/
cJSON *myNestedArray = cJSON_CreateObject();
/* add numbers of mySinXY*/
cJSON_AddNumberToObject(myNestedArray, "x", pOutput->x);
cJSON_AddNumberToObject(myNestedArray, "y", pOutput->y);
/* Add item 'myNestedArray' to myXY in myJSON*/
cJSON_AddItemToArray(myXY, myNestedArray);
My code had multiple problems, e.g. a too short buffer length. While fixing all the syntactic and "stupid" errors, one problem remained:
Working on it for an hour with my colleague resulted in following enlightenment:
Even when the nested Array only contains one element e.g. "x" containing only the integer "1", you would have to iterate over the "x". I didn't find a way to just access "x".
This is exactly taken over from the example on the cJSON page.
I put the parsing into a struct, this should work for a lot of use cases similarly: