I am trying to update a file on sharepoint using Office365-REST-Python-Client-2.3.16. But if I open this file in a browser, I will always get:
office365.runtime.client_request_exception.ClientRequestException: ('-2147018894, Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFileLockException', 'The file https://aaa.sharepoint.com/sites/bbb/Shared Documents/ccc.xlsx is locked for shared use by [email protected] [membership].', "423 Client Error: Locked for url: https://aaa.sharepoint.com/sites/bbb/_api/Web/getFolderByServerRelativeUrl('Shared%20Documents')/Files/add(overwrite=true,url='ccc.xlsx')")
The 'bypass-shared-lock' works when I try to delete a file, but doesn't work for uploading a file.
def custom_header(request):
request.headers['Prefer'] = 'bypass-shared-lock'
ctx.web.get_folder_by_server_relative_url(dir).upload_file(name, content).execute_query()
Is it possible to ignore the lock and force update?
The same issue exists with the requests library. For now this looks an issue within Microsoft Graph.
In the Graph portal using bypass-shared-lock in the Request headers, it's only able to delete but NOT update anything. Looking online there doesn't seem to be a workaround yet.