Avoid numerical underflow when obtaining determinant of large matrix in Eigen

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I have implemented a MCMC algorithm in C++ using the Eigen library. The main part of the algorithm is a loop in which first some some matrix calculations are performed after which the determinant of the resulting matrix is obtained and added to the output. E.g.:

MatrixXd delta0;
NumericVector out(3);

out[0] = 0;
out[1] = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) {
  delta0 = V*(A.cast<double>()-(A+B).cast<double>()*theta.asDiagonal());
  I = delta0.determinant()
  out[1] += I;
  out[2] += std::sqrt(I);
return out;

Now on certain matrices I unfortunately observe a numerical underflow so that the determinant is outputted as zero (which it actually isn't).

How can I avoid this underflow?

One solution would be to obtain, instead of the determinant, the log of the determinant. However,

  • I do not know how to do this;
  • how could I then add up these logs?

Any help is greatly appreciated.


There are 2 answers

Alexander Shukaev On BEST ANSWER

There are 2 main options that come to my mind:

  1. The product of eigenvalues of square matrix is the determinant of this matrix, therefore a sum of logarithms of each eigenvalue is a logarithm of the determinant of this matrix. Assume det(A) = a and det(B) = b for compact notation. After applying aforementioned for 2 matrices A and B, we end up with log(a) and log(b), then actually the following is true:

    log(a + b) = log(a) + log(1 + e ^ (log(b) - log(a)))

    Yes, we get a logarithm of the sum. What would you do with it next? I don't know, depends on what you have to. If you have to remove logarithm by e ^ log(a + b) = a + b, then you might be lucky that the value of a + b does not underflow now, but in some cases it can still underflow as well.

  2. Perform clever preconditioning; there might be tons of options here, and you better read about them from some trusted sources as this is a serious topic. The simplest (and probably the cheapest ever) example of preconditioning for this particular problem could be to recall that det(c * A) = (c ^ n) * det(A), where A is n by n matrix, and to premultiply your matrix with some c, compute the determinant, and then to divide it by c ^ n to get the actual one.


I thought about one more option. If on the last stages of #1 or #2 you still experience underflow too frequently, then it might be a good idea to increase precision specifically for these last operations, for example, by utilizing GNU MPFR.

tmyklebu On

You can use Householder elimination to get the QR decomposition of delta0. Then the determinant of the Q part is +/-1 (depending on whether you did an even or odd number of reflections) and the determinant of the R part is the product of the diagonal elements. Both of these are easy to compute without running into underflow hell---and you might not even care about the first.