I am using Haptic Feedback in my app for when the user moves some tiles. When the tiles are moved very quickly, causing the haptic feedback to trigger quickly, I get this warning in the console after 30 seconds:
2019-01-20 17:29:04.658240+0000 Loopover[17824:4937487] [Feedback] AVHapticPlayer async call finishWithCompletionHandler: (type=3) did not get a reply after 30 seconds (notified of 0 mediaserverd death(s) in this time)
How is the Haptic Feedback triggered?
I am triggering the Haptic Feedback using UIImpactFeedbackGenerator
as shown:
UIImpactFeedbackGenerator(style: .light).impactOccurred()
What does this mean?
Is this warning something I should be worried about? If I move the tiles normally, no problems occur.
What should I do, if anything?
I guess no, and none. In Apple's doc about UIFeedbackGenerator, they say you should "Trust the system" about that.
Talking about methods like
:Haptic feedback is currently played only:
On a device with a supported Taptic Engine
When the app is running in the foreground
When the System Haptics setting is enabled
And about the "Trust the system":
I hope this helps!