AVAssetDownloadTask doesn't start on IOS 10.3 device

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I'm actually implementing a download functionality in an application. I'm facing a very weird bug with AVAssetDownloadTask.

Indeed at the beginning of the day the implementation for downloading a asset was working.

When I called the resume function on my AssetDownloadTask, newly created, the download started instantly and the AVAssetDownloadDelegate function

func urlSession(
       _ session: URLSession,
       assetDownloadTask: AVAssetDownloadTask,
       didLoad timeRange: CMTimeRange,
       totalTimeRangesLoaded loadedTimeRanges: [NSValue],
       timeRangeExpectedToLoad: CMTimeRange

was called and showed progress for the active downloading task.

But at one point in the day the process stopped working. Now when I try to start/resume a AssetDownloadTask nothing happens. No AVAssetDownloadDelegate function is called for the progression of the download. It is like nothing is happening. I don't even get an error.

The weird thing is if I cancelled this AssetDownloadTask the

func urlSession( _ session: URLSession, assetDownloadTask: AVAssetDownloadTask, didFinishDownloadingTo location: URL )


func urlSession(
       _ session: URLSession,
      task: URLSessionTask,
      didCompleteWithError error: Error?

are correctly called showing that the process seems to be on hold somehow.

I don't seem to have any of this problems on devices that are running on IOS 11.

I was wondering if any of you had an idea that could explain why my AssetDownloadTask doesn't start/resume on IOS 10.3 devices.

You will find below a few parts of my download manager.

let backgroundConfiguration = URLSessionConfiguration.background(withIdentifier: "\(Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier!).background")
    // Create the AVAssetDownloadURLSession using the configuration.
assetDownloadURLSession = AVAssetDownloadURLSession(configuration: backgroundConfiguration, assetDownloadDelegate: self, delegateQueue: OperationQueue.main)
private var activeDownloadsMap = [AVAssetDownloadTask: XXXXXXX]()   

func downloadAsset(for asset: XXXXX) {

    // Get the default media selections for the asset's media selection groups.
    let preferredMediaSelection = asset.geturlAsset().preferredMediaSelection

    if #available(iOS 10.0, *) {
        guard let task = assetDownloadURLSession.makeAssetDownloadTask(asset: asset.geturlAsset(),
                                                                                                                                     assetTitle: asset.title,
                                                                                                                                     assetArtworkData: nil,
                                                                                                                                     options: nil) else { return }

        // To better track the AVAssetDownloadTask we set the taskDescription to something unique for our sample.
        task.taskDescription = asset.title

        activeDownloadsMap[task] = asset

    } else {

extension DownloadManager: AVAssetDownloadDelegate {
public func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, assetDownloadTask: AVAssetDownloadTask, didLoad timeRange: CMTimeRange, totalTimeRangesLoaded loadedTimeRanges: [NSValue], timeRangeExpectedToLoad: CMTimeRange) {
    // This delegate callback should be used to provide download progress for your AVAssetDownloadTask.
    guard let asset = activeDownloadsMap[assetDownloadTask] else { return }

    var percentComplete = 0.0
    for value in loadedTimeRanges {
        let loadedTimeRange: CMTimeRange = value.timeRangeValue
        percentComplete +=
            CMTimeGetSeconds(loadedTimeRange.duration) / CMTimeGetSeconds(timeRangeExpectedToLoad.duration)

    debugPrint("DOWNLOAD: Progress \( assetDownloadTask) \(percentComplete)")


Thank you in advance for any help you could give me to try and figure this out. Cant figure out if it is coming from the device / code / OS version

Best regards,



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