Instead of calling av_register_all(), is there an example of selecting a single decoder to use? I guess I would have to call avcodec_register(), av_register_codec_parser() etc...
The question is, which functions exactly should be called, because av_open_input_file() fails with -2 if I don't use av_register_all().
There is a way to do that :) I just wrote down all the steps for you which av_register_all does. I thought it might give you a better understanding, since it might not be sufficient to only register the codec. Best would be for yourself to take a look in the source code:
1) the Hardware-Acceleration:
2) the Codecs / Dec,Enc,DecEnc, ext. Libraries etc....
3) the Parsers
4) Bitstream Filters
5) register Mux/Demuxers
6) If RTP:
7) Protocols
Hope that helped?