Automatically skip video in youtube when error occurs using YouTube Android SDK

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I am trying to build an app that plays a list of videos. Its a very basic implementation based on the API samples.

The playlist (array of video_ids) gets loaded using player.loadVideos method. Changes in the player state are tracked using an implementation of PlayerStateChangeListener.

Everything works great, and the videos play back-to-back (as expected).

When there is an error in playing the video, (eg. YouTubePlayer.ErrorReason.NOT_PLAYABLE), it gets captured in the onError method of PlayerStateChangeListener, and I call there to move on to the next video.

However, does not work after there is an error - basically once there is an error, there is nothing that I can do that would skip that video and play the next one that is queued up in the playlist.


There are 1 answers

Tony On

When a player error occurs while YouTubePlayer plays a playlist, calling next() has no effect. I believe this is because errors in YouTubePlayer are non-recoverable. The solution is to reload the playlist with the next playlist index.

So, to keep track of the current playlist index,

@Override   // YouTubePlayer.PlaylistEventListener
public void onPrevious() 

@Override   // YouTubePlayer.PlaylistEventListener
public void onNext() 

Then, in onError(),

@Override   // YouTubePlayer.PlayerStateChangeListener
public void onError(YouTubePlayer.ErrorReason errorReason) 
    Log.d(TAG, "YouTubePlayer error: " + errorReason);

    // Check if the mContentId is of kind video or playlist,
    // if video, there is nothing you can do, end playback.

    // Check if the mPlaylistIndex is the last video in playlist,
    // if so, there is nothing you can do, end playback.

    mYouTubePlayer.loadPlaylist(mContentId, mPlaylistIndex, 0);