Automated website login through powershell script

464 views Asked by At

My goal:

  • I have to login into a OBIEE and login and download a report.
  • When I try to login with the code below get an error.

Some time script works and some times it gives error:

$Url = “” # not this website , but OBIEE report link
$IE = New-Object -com internetexplorer.application; 
$IE.visible = $true; 
while ($IE.Busy -eq $true) 
   Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 2000; 
$IE.Document.getElementById("UsernameElement").value = $Username 
Start-Sleep 10

This is the error am getting :800704a6

+Categoryinfo :Resourceunavailable(:) [newobject] , COMExecption 

There are 1 answers

Robin Moffatt On

I'd go a different route - use the supported web services API for OBIEE instead.