To automate screen recording of Xcode UI Tests for app store deployment, I use the command
xcrun simctl io booted recordVideo --codec=h264 --force \(totalUrl.absoluteString.replacingOccurrences(of: "file://", with: "").replacingOccurrences(of: "%20", with: " "))
that is being sent though SBTUITestTunnelHost
. So far this works but when I try to upload those screen videos thought AppStore Connect it says for eg the iPhone 6,5´´ screen requires me to upload a video with 886x1920 px but the generated video with xcrun is 888x1920 px. What am I doing wrong with the xcrun command?
My goal was to create App Store Connect Screenrecordings for my App.
Unfortunatly i couldn't use
xcrun ... recordVideo
to record the vidos, due to two reasons:So my solution was:
C'mon Apple, it can't get any worser, can it?