I need to run multiple servers in a VM(Ubuntu 14.04)
. I'm using screen to do this. Now, every time I bring the VM down, I have to start the screens again. So, I'm writing a shell script to automate this. Following is my script as of now
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Create a screen in detached mode and set default title
screen -d -m -S screenName -t "DjangoServer"
# Start django app in window 0
# Source environment variables for screen shell.
# TODO: Check if this is required.
screen -S screenName -X stuff $"source ~/.profile\n"
# Start virtual environment(virt_env command) exported via ~/.profile
screen -S screenName -X stuff $"virt_env\n"
# Run Django app using grunt
screen -S screenName -X stuff $"grunt\n"
# Start node app in window 1
screen -S screenName -X screen -t "NodeAPI"
screen -S screenName -p 1 -X stuff $"cd /vagrant/node-app\n"
screen -S screenName -p 1 -X stuff $"npm start\n"
# Start a screen running a shell, simply
screen -S screenName -X screen -t "bash"
I am new to shell scripting and am sure there must be a better way to do this. Could anyone tell me how to. Since the commands are very few, I'm not inclined towards writing a shell scripts for the commands to be run in screen-windows. But if that is the standard way, do suggest how to. TIA.
I don't want to modify .screenrc
as well.
This is very nice, but maybe you should invest some time in discovering how to run system scripts via init (and the like) instead.
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