Using the firefox plugin ("ff-au3") for AutoIt, how do I click a button?
Here is the HTML of the item I'd like to click:
<input accesskey="s" class="aui-button" id="login-form-submit" name="login" title="Press Alt+s to submit this form" type="submit" value="Log In">
And here is the code snippet to click the button:
;Click the "Log In" button, id is "login-form-submit"
_FFClick("login-form-submit", "id")
At this point, my script is already connected to firefox, already on the page I need, and everything else works (except for this click part!)
Here is the error I get back:
_FFClick ==> No match: $sElement: FFau3.WCD.getElementById('login-form-submit')
Also, this works when I manually run it on the page using a javascript console:
And here is the API for the plugin:
Anyone see anything I'm doing wrong?
- Firefox 44.0.1
- AutoIt v3.3.14.2
- FF V0.6.0.1b-15.au3 (Firefox plugin)
- MozRepl v.1.1.2
- SciTE-Lite v. 3.5.4
Well this didn't get much traffic but I found the solution! Pretty simple... I disconnected from firefox before executing the click!
When using firefox, you first need to open the firefox exe with the "Run" command, then you need to connect to firefox using the "_FFConnect" command. Next you can start clicking elements. Once you're done, disconnect from firefox using the "ProcessClose" command. The problem I was running into was I connected to firefox, then disconnected immediately, then I tried clicking. So, I made sure I disconnected after I did the clicking...
Working solution: myScript.au3 (See the "LogIn" function at the bottom)