I'm using AutoHotKey to show/hide a mintty terminal window. Here's my AutoHotkey.ahk:
ShowHide_(Title, CommandLine)
OutputDebug, ShowHide called
DetectHiddenWindows, On
; MatchMode = 2 : The title contains the expression
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
OutputDebug, Looking for a window named "%Title%"
IfWinExist %Title%
OutputDebug, "%Title%" found, is it active?
IfWinNotActive %Title%
WinWait, %Title%
OutputDebug, Window is not active, activating...
OutputDebug, Window is active, hiding...
OutputDebug, "%Title%" doesn't exist, starting...
Run, %CommandLine%
F1::ShowHide_("ahk_class mintty", "C:\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe -t CygTerm")
As you notice, I made a generic function to be able to do the same with other applications. Besides I've assigned two keyboard combinations F1 and Win+^. Both combinations work fine to launch the program or show the pre-existing window, but fails to hide it, for two reasons:
- When using F1, the key press is not even recognized (no trace in DbgView);
- When using Win+^ (or other shortcut not using Fn keys), the event is traced in DbgView, but nothing happens.
With other programs (such as Notepad++, calc, ...) everything works as expected. Any idea why? and how can I make it work?
I find that if I'm using the Cygwin Terminal shortcut that's automatically created in the start menu, Mintty doesn't properly respond to AHK scripts.
However, if I make a shortcut directly to the mintty.exe file (C:\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe) then it will work.
Note: In order to make the custom mintty shortcut work properly, you'll need to add a hyphen "-" as a launch option. Thus, in the shorcut, the Target field should look like this:
C:\Cygwin\bin\mintty.exe -