AutoFac equivalent of this ninject command/function

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In Ninject i can configure a container like the mentioned below, What is the Autofac equivalent for the "Highlighted ones"?

Currently i am trying to achieve the same using AutoFac, any help is much appreciated.

 public class NinjectAdapter : IContainerAdapter
    private readonly IKernel _kernel;

    public NinjectAdapter(IKernel kernel)
        _kernel = kernel;

    **public void Register(Type service, Type implementation)

    **public void Register(Type service, Type implementation, Type conditionType)

    **public void Register(Type service, Type implementation, string named)

    **public void RegisterSingleton(Type service, Type implementation)

    **public void RegisterInScope(Type service, Type implementation)
        _kernel.Bind(service).To(implementation).InScope(scope => HttpContext.Current);

    **public void RegisterInstance(Type service, object instance)

    **public void RegisterInstance(Type service, object instance, string named)

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