web hook Invalid JSON sent in the Webhook notification

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I am trying to implement webhook on a Laravel project. From merchant interface, I added a webhook endpoint. But when I try to retrieve events it throws invalid JSON error. What am I doing wrong in the code below?

namespace App\Http\Controllers\Api\Anet;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use net\authorize\api\contract\v1 as AnetAPI;
use net\authorize\api\controller as AnetController;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use JohnConde\Authnet\AuthnetWebhook;

class xxxController extends Controller
    public function webhook(){
        $headers = getallheaders();
        $payload = file_get_contents("php://input");

        $webhook = new AuthnetWebhook(hex2bin('XXXXXD4FF0A6060E23DBCD9AE507E20XXXXX'), $payload, $headers);
        if ($webhook->isValid()) {
            // Get the transaction ID
            $transactionId = $webhook->payload->id;

            // Here you can get more information about the transaction
            $request  = AuthnetApiFactory::getJsonApiHandler('services.authorize.login', 'services.authorize.key');
            $response = $request->getTransactionDetailsRequest(array(
                'transId' => $transactionId

            /* You can put these response values in the database or whatever your business logic dictates.


"message": "Invalid JSON sent in the Webhook notification",
    "exception": "JohnConde\\Authnet\\AuthnetInvalidJsonException",
    "file": "/var/www/html/staging/vendor/stymiee/authnetjson/src/authnet/AuthnetWebhook.php",
    "line": 67,

There are 2 answers

renaissance On

Your problem is that you are not getting a webhook notification. The code you are using is purposed for validating a webhook notification, rather than making a webhooks request. You have to make a request to get a webhook.

When you set up your endpoint, you can use that code (although I don't think the hex2bin() is required) to validate webhooks and then extract information from them.

To create a webhooks request, you can use code like this-

$webhooksArray = array(' net.authorize.payment.authorization.created',' 
$webhooksUrl = 'https://{}/{your path}/{your endpoint}';

$webhook = new AuthnetAPIFactory();
$handler = $webhook->getWebhooksHandler($login,$transId);
$createWebhooks = $handler->createWebhooks($webhooksArray,$webhooksUrl);

This will enroll you in events, which will automatically be sent to your endpoint i.e https://{}/{your path}/{your endpoint}.

Then you can use your code above to validate the webhooks when they hit your endpoint. Once you are enrolled in events and webhooks are being sent to your endpoint, you can retrieve the history using code like this-

   $webhook = new AuthnetAPIFactory();
   $handler = $webhook->getWebhooksHandler($login,$transId);
   $history = $handler->getNotificationHistory();

You can retrieve a specific webhook like this-

   $webhook = new AuthnetAPIFactory();
   $handler = $webhook->getWebhooksHandler($login,$transId);
   $webhook = $handler->getWebhook($webhookId);

Where $webhookId is the id tied to the webhook you wish to retrieve. You can search through the namespace to see the other method calls for specific webhook actions.

Narinder Singh Bisht On

I know, the reply to this question is too late. But I recently faced this issue. I resolved it for one of my projects.

The controller method must have the Request $request parameter and the route should be POST not GET.

The Controller:

class AuthnetWebhookController extends Controller
    public function webhookListener(Request $request)
    // other methods

The route:

Route::post('authnet-webhook-listener', 'AuthnetWebhookController@webhookListener');