I got SIGNATURE_KEY from my authorize.net merchant interface. I am using AuthnetJson Package. Should i have to convert 128 hexadecimal SIGNATURE_KEY to binary? If answer is yes then i did so but my code never execute inside if ($webhook->isValid()){// code never execute execute}. What i am doing wrong?
$webhook = new AuthnetWebhook('services.authorize.signature', $payload);
if ($webhook->isValid()) {
// Get the transaction ID
$transactionId = $webhook->payload->id;
// Here you can get more information about the transaction
$request = AuthnetApiFactory::getJsonApiHandler('services.authorize.login', 'services.authorize.key');
$response = $request->getTransactionDetailsRequest(array(
'transId' => $transactionId
$user = User::find(1);
$user->notify( new PasswordResetSuccess($response));
/* You can put these response values in the database or whatever your business logic dictates.
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Api\Anet;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use net\authorize\api\contract\v1 as AnetAPI;
use net\authorize\api\controller as AnetController;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use JohnConde\Authnet\AuthnetWebhook;
use App\Notifications\PasswordResetSuccess;
use App\Models\User;
use Log;
use \stdClass;
use App\Models\Anet;
class WebhookController extends Controller
public function webhook(Request $request){
$headers = getallheaders();
$payloadraw = file_get_contents("php://input");
$payloadEncoded = json_encode($payloadraw);
$payloadDecoded = json_decode($payloadraw);
$type = gettype($payloadraw);
$webhook = new AuthnetWebhook('xxxxx8EF4B4186A3BC745B70637EA1Fxx091E1DD0706BF9A9D721982B882BE54192BD1BBCEAFC0415DF06E6xxxxxxxxx',$payloadEncoded, $headers);
if ($webhook->isValid()) {
// Get the transaction ID
$transactionId = $webhook->payload->id;
// Here you can get more information about the transaction
$request = AuthnetApiFactory::getJsonApiHandler('AUTHNET_LOGIN','AUTHNET_TRANSKEY');
$response = $request->getTransactionDetailsRequest(array('transId' => $transactionId));
$anet = new Anet();
$anet->notification = $payloadraw ;
$anet->payload = $payloadDecoded ;
$anet->type = $type ;
$anet->transaction_type = $response->transaction->transactionType;
$anet->transactions_status = $response->transaction->transactionStatus;
$anet->auth_code = $response->transaction->authCode;
$anet->avs_response = $response->transaction->AVSResponse;
$anet = new Anet();
$anet->notification = $payloadEncoded ;
$anet->payload = $payloadDecoded ;
$anet->type = $type ;
$anet->transactions_status = '401';
You do not need to convert it to binary. It's value as displayed in the Authorize.Net interface is how it should be used in your code:
Or, if you use the
configuration file from your library:and in your code: