I want to make a confirm emailaddress like confirm password in liferay form the confirm password uses aui validator equals to, to campare both fields of password, my doubt is: Can I use this aui:validator to validate a non-password field?
aui validator equalsTo is only for password?
1k views Asked by Christian P. At
There are 2 answers

Don't think this will make any difference. Compare (equalTo
) validator will only compare values of two given controls. Like:
<aui:input name="email" value='' label="Email">
<aui:validator name="email" />
<aui:input name="email2" value='' label="Confirm Email">
<aui:validator name="equalTo">'#<portlet:namespace />email'</aui:validator>
we can use aui validator to validate any thing which needs to be validated. no connection with password field.
You can also include your custom validations like :