I need to edit some XML files, I'm OK with removing and setting, but I don't see if and how is it possible to sort XML file using only Augeas?
Has anyone done it, I am trying to avoid other resources than Augeas for now?
I am using puppet, ruby, shell scripts. I can use augeas in puppet, not only augtool.
This is my exact task: sort elements on element name, attributes name, table and column
I have a large XML file which actually contains a lot of tables, this is example of one table:
<table name="validation_rule" numRows="6" remarks="" schema="public" type="TABLE">
<column autoUpdated="false" digits="0" id="0" name="id" nullable="false" remarks="" size="10" type="int4">
<child column="validation_rule_id" foreignKey="meta_field_name_validation_rule_id_fkey" implied="false" onDeleteCascade="false" table="meta_field_name"/>
<child column="validation_rule_id" foreignKey="preference_type_validation_rule_id_fkey" implied="false" onDeleteCascade="false" table="preference_type"/>
<child column="validation_rule_id" foreignKey="validation_rule_attributes_validation_rule_id_fkey" implied="false" onDeleteCascade="false" table="validation_rule_attributes"/>
<column autoUpdated="false" digits="0" id="1" name="rule_type" nullable="false" remarks="" size="25" type="varchar"/>
<column autoUpdated="false" digits="0" id="2" name="enabled" nullable="true" remarks="" size="1" type="bool"/>
<column autoUpdated="false" digits="0" id="3" name="optlock" nullable="false" remarks="" size="10" type="int4"/>
<primaryKey column="id" sequenceNumberInPK="1"/>
<index name="validation_rule_pkey" unique="true">
<column ascending="true" name="id"/>
This is how I delete from same sample file:
augtool> set /augeas/load/xml/lens "Xml.lns"
augtool> set /augeas/load/xml/incl /home/ESSENT/i.camilovic/test/test.xml
augtool> load
augtool> rm /files/home/ESSENT/i.camilovic/test/test.xml/TopLevel/FooBar
augtool> save
Here is a code sample in puppet that we use for something else:
augeas { "${name} ReverseBuild Threshold fails":
lens => 'Xml.lns',
incl => $config_file,
context => "${context}/triggers/jenkins.triggers.ReverseBuildTrigger/threshold",
changes => [
"set name/#text 'FAILURE'",
"set ordinal/#text '2'",
"set color/#text 'RED'",
"set completeBuild/#text 'true'",
notify => Exec['reload-configuration'],
require => Augeas["${name} Upstream Projects"],
This cannot be achieved with Augeas alone (i.e.
), but it could be achieved using the Augeas library together with language bindings. In which context are you using Augeas?