Augeas to sort XML file

201 views Asked by At

I need to edit some XML files, I'm OK with removing and setting, but I don't see if and how is it possible to sort XML file using only Augeas?

Has anyone done it, I am trying to avoid other resources than Augeas for now?

I am using puppet, ruby, shell scripts. I can use augeas in puppet, not only augtool.

This is my exact task: sort elements on element name, attributes name, table and column

I have a large XML file which actually contains a lot of tables, this is example of one table:

<table name="validation_rule" numRows="6" remarks="" schema="public" type="TABLE">
  <column autoUpdated="false" digits="0" id="0" name="id" nullable="false" remarks="" size="10" type="int4">
    <child column="validation_rule_id" foreignKey="meta_field_name_validation_rule_id_fkey" implied="false" onDeleteCascade="false" table="meta_field_name"/>
    <child column="validation_rule_id" foreignKey="preference_type_validation_rule_id_fkey" implied="false" onDeleteCascade="false" table="preference_type"/>
    <child column="validation_rule_id" foreignKey="validation_rule_attributes_validation_rule_id_fkey" implied="false" onDeleteCascade="false" table="validation_rule_attributes"/>
  <column autoUpdated="false" digits="0" id="1" name="rule_type" nullable="false" remarks="" size="25" type="varchar"/>
  <column autoUpdated="false" digits="0" id="2" name="enabled" nullable="true" remarks="" size="1" type="bool"/>
  <column autoUpdated="false" digits="0" id="3" name="optlock" nullable="false" remarks="" size="10" type="int4"/>
  <primaryKey column="id" sequenceNumberInPK="1"/>
  <index name="validation_rule_pkey" unique="true">
    <column ascending="true" name="id"/>

This is how I delete from same sample file:

augtool> set /augeas/load/xml/lens "Xml.lns" 
augtool> set /augeas/load/xml/incl /home/ESSENT/i.camilovic/test/test.xml
augtool> load
augtool> rm /files/home/ESSENT/i.camilovic/test/test.xml/TopLevel/FooBar
augtool> save

Here is a code sample in puppet that we use for something else:

    augeas { "${name} ReverseBuild Threshold fails":
      lens    => 'Xml.lns',
      incl    => $config_file,
      context => "${context}/triggers/jenkins.triggers.ReverseBuildTrigger/threshold",
      changes => [
        "set name/#text 'FAILURE'",
        "set ordinal/#text '2'",
        "set color/#text 'RED'",
        "set completeBuild/#text 'true'",
      notify  => Exec['reload-configuration'],
      require => Augeas["${name} Upstream Projects"],

There are 2 answers

raphink On

This cannot be achieved with Augeas alone (i.e. augtool), but it could be achieved using the Augeas library together with language bindings. In which context are you using Augeas?

raphink On

Instead of using Augeas to achieve that task in Puppet, I would recommend using an exec, e.g.:

exec { "Sort test.xml":
  path        => $::path,
  command     => 'xmllint -c14n -o /path/to/test.xml /path/to/test.xml',
  refreshonly => true,