In our desktop app we associate it with URL protocol using the registry. We write to this key:
For example, to associate our app with magnet:
links we use the following code:
QSettings settings("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Classes", QSettings::NativeFormat);
settings.setValue("magnet/Default", "URL:Magnet link");
settings.setValue("magnet/Content Type", "application/x-magnet");
settings.setValue("magnet/URL Protocol", "");
settings.setValue("magnet/DefaultIcon/Default", QDir::toNativeSeparators(icon_str));
settings.setValue("magnet/shell/Default", "open");
settings.setValue("magnet/shell/open/command/Default", QDir::toNativeSeparators(command_str));
Once we execute this code, browsers are able to launch our app when the user clicks on a magnet:
Is this possible for our app being converted using Desktop App Converter
Converted desktop-bridge apps declare their protocol association in the appxmanifest, not the registry: