AspectJ Load Time weaving working in unit tests but NOT at runtime in spring boot (maven) application

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We have JAVA micro service which constitutes lot of logging. The logging as of now is inconsistent. As a part of improvement, I plan to have an aspect so as we log/append certain data points against each info/error/warn being logged. The data points will be picked form current thread context. I’m sharing the code. Problem: The load time weaving works with unit tests, but when the application is run, nothing happens. That means the weaving is not taking place. The application use tomcat hosting.


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>





        <defaultGoal>clean install</defaultGoal>
                    <preparationGoals>clean verify replacer:replace docker:build -DdockerRepo=greenbuild-repo
                        -DpushImageTag scm:checkin -Dmessage="[maven-release-plugin] prepare release" promote:artifacts
                    <completionGoals>clean verify replacer:replace scm:checkin -Dmessage="[maven-release-plugin] prepare
                        for next development iteration"

aspectj aop.xml

        <aspect name="com.e.s.aspect.uniformLoggerAspect"/>
        <weaver options="-debug -showWeaveInfo">
            <include call="* org.slf4j.Logger.*(..)"/>


    import org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint;
    import org.aspectj.lang.ProceedingJoinPoint;
    import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Around;
    import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect;
    import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Pointcut;
    import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.NamedParameterUtils;

public class uniformLoggerAspect {

    public Object formatMessageLog(final Object msg, final Throwable exception
            , final ProceedingJoinPoint invocation
            , final JoinPoint.EnclosingStaticPart callerContext) throws Throwable {

        return formatLogAndProceed(msg, exception, invocation, callerContext);

    private Object formatLogAndProceed(final Object msg, final Throwable exception
            , final ProceedingJoinPoint invocation
            , final JoinPoint.EnclosingStaticPart callerContext
    ) throws Throwable {

        final Object[] arguments = (Object[]) invocation.getArgs();

        Context context = Context.getCurrentContext();

        if (context != null) {
            arguments[0] = String.format("Cor Id:[%s], PId[%s], IId:[%s], PkId:[%s] LId:[{%s}] [%s]", context.getCorId(), "123", "xyz", context.getPkId(), context.getLId(), arguments[0]);

        return invocation.proceed(arguments);

    @Pointcut("call(* org.slf4j.Logger.*(..))")
    public void uniformLoggerPointCut() {

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