ASP.NET vnext overriding status code set in controller. Is this a bug?

274 views Asked by At

I'm building a simple WebApi in vnext on a Mac. I've followed the example set in this tutorial but I'm having a problem where the response codes I set in my controller methods are being overridden

Take this method in my CrudController:

public void Post([FromBody]CrudObject crudObject)
   var url = Url.RouteUrl("GetByIdRoute", new {id = 1}, 
       Request.Scheme, Request.Host.ToUriComponent());
   Context.Response.StatusCode = 201;
   Context.Response.Headers["Location"] = url;

When I curl this or hit it with PostMan I should see a 201 Created response and a Location header pointing me to another url. When I run this using kestrel I get the Location header but the response code is 204 No Content.

I assume this is the vnext middleware overriding my change to the status code. Is that right? If so, should it be overriding my status code or is it a bug? If it's the correct behaviour, how should I do a redirect?


There are 1 answers


The behavior of void returning action was recently changed to not convert to 204 status code. However, for you scenario you could use the CreatedAtRoute helper method(this actually creates a CreatedAtRouteResult) which sets the Location header.

public void Post([FromBody]CrudObject crudObject)
    return CreatedAtRoute(routeName: "GetByIdRoute", routeValues: new { id = 1 }, value: null);

Is it on purpose that you do not want to return the created object back to client? if not, you could modify the above code by not passing null to the value parameter.