How can i send special characters in a querystring?
The ++ gets taken out when i do this:
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim theData As String = Request.QueryString("data")
It stores it inside theData like this:
GQH/FUvq9sQbWwrYh5xX7G VktXU5o17hycAfNSND8gt8YbbUaJbwRw
So therefore its invalid. How can i properly send that string over without it changing once its received?
Doing this:
Dim en As String = endecryption.EncryptData("=" & "aclub" & "=" & strName & "=" & strEmail)
Response.Redirect("/thankyou.aspx?data=" & HttpUtility.UrlEncode(en), False)
And at the other end:
Dim theData As String = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString("data"))
It sends it like: GQH%2fFUvq9sQbWwrYh5xX7G%2bVktXU5o17hycAfNSND8gt8YbbUaJbwRw
But it decodes it like: GQH/FUvq9sQbWwrYh5xX7G[2 spaces here]VktXU5o17hycAfNSND8gt8YbbUaJbwRw
take a look at using Server.UrlEncode() to encode the param before including it in the querystring, and using Server.UrlDecode() to transform it back when you need it.
msdn article
calling Server.UrlEncode() on "GQH/FUvq9sQbWwrYh5xX7G++VktXU5o17hycAfNSND8gt8YbbUaJbwRw" yields:
and calling Server.UrlDecode on that result yields:
You need to make sure that you url encode the query string data before you append it on the url.