ASP.NET Core 6 Web API in Visual Studio not debuggable

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I have been working with an ASP.NET Core 6 ASP.NET Web API project for months... always able to set and use break points in controller actions. Suddenly yesterday the break points are now ignored. Why?

My settings:

  • I am in the Debug configuration (as usual).
  • I don't believe I need to configure a symbol server (never needed it before), but I decided to configure "Microsoft Symbol Servers" just to be sure.
  • I turned on "Enable native code debugging", even though this is C# and not C++ and I've not needed this before, because another SO post suggested it.

The best I can figure of what caused that I enabled "javascript debugging" yesterday. Perhaps that somehow de-activated C# debugging? I went back into my configuration settings and turned it back off again... but C# still won't hit break points.



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