I have index.asp where i include all files So i have file search.asp where are no includes but function works localy from included files from index.asp
So when i make ajax POST from search.asp to search.asp all included files not working after i put response to the same page.
Also if i include needed file directly to search.asp i got error that dimmed names are redifined.
So only one way as i thought is to dinamicaly include needed file if where are post request like:
If Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" Then
<!--#include virtual="Functions/main.asp"-->
<!--#include virtual="Functions/setlcnid.asp" -->
End If
but this should not works as it always includes thoose files
So how to include needed files after ajax POST?
The includes are excluded from the if condition. I suggest you put the if directly into the files and main.asp setlcnid.asp and they always include