asp:button Created Programmatically: EventHandler does not fire

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I am writing a SharePoint web part which will have a simple ASP.NET form. I am using HtmlTextWriter to render the controls. The problem I have is that my button does not seem to be triggering the EventHandler I have assigned it.

I initially declared the button in the CreateChildControls method, and wired the event handler:

    Button submitButton;
    submitButton = new Button();
    submitButton.Text = "Go!";
    submitButton.Click += new EventHandler(submitButton_Click);

I have declared the functionality of the "submitButton_Click" EventHandler:

void submitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    submitButton.Text = "Good!";

I render the controls:

protected override void RenderContents(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter output)

Finally, I deploy the web part. It shows up fine in the catalog and when I add it to a page, the control shows up. However, I would assume that when I click the button, its text should change from "Go!" to "Good!" Instead, it does nothing. I'm pretty new to all of these technologies -- C#, Sharepoint, and ASP.NET -- so I'm pretty sure it's a problem with my understanding, but trying different steps from articles all over the net and previous questions here haven't fixed my problem. Thanks for taking a look.

EDIT: I opened the SharePoint page with the web part on it and the button has been created like so:

<input type="submit" name="ctl00$PlaceHolderMain$ctl00$ctl04" value="Go!" />

It looks like the OnClick value has not been added at all, which is what I thought adding the EventHandler would do. Am I trying to add OnClick in a completely wrong way? I also don't understand why the button name does not match what I declared in my code.


There are 4 answers


Look at this link:

You're overriding the RenderContents method incorrectly, and wiring the click event in the wrong place.

Colin On

Use the CreateChildControls override instead, this gets called at the right moment in the ASP.NET Control rendering pipeline.

iJK On

Are you inheriting from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart or the SharePoint WebPart (Sorry, I don't recall the namespace). It is recommended to inherit from "System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart" so that it is a simple ASP.NET Web Part and it can also be used in SharePoint.

Once you inherit from that class, you will need to override the "Render" method which is what I always do and it works out fine. I think your CreatechildControls method is correct. So your Render method will look like

protected override void Render(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter output)

You will also need to declare your button outside the "CreateChildControls" method.When writing SharePoint WebParts, I always take this approach

  1. Inherit from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart
  2. Create a partial class which will be used to declare all the controls used by the WebPart and to override the following methods: "CreateChildControls", "OnInit", and "Render".

Hope it helps.

Tim Henning On

I had a similar problem. The event handler was always firing. I checked the view source of the SharePoint page and discovered the HTML control rendered was the input type = submit. To solve the issue, I set the 'button.UseSubmitBehavior = false' in code and set the ID. UseSubmitBehavior by default in ASP.NET 2.0 is true, if not set in code.