AS3 - error 1120: Access of undefined property stage

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I'm trying to add the QuickKong class to a game I'm making, as described here:

To call the class, you use:


However, it keeps giving me:

error 1120: Access of undefined property stage.

Any suggestions? Thanks!


There are 1 answers


The stage is a property of a DisplayObject. When a DisplayObject is not on the Stage its stage property is undefined.

So, you need to make sure the stage is available when you run QuickKong.connectToKong(stage);.

If you do this in the constructor of your document class it should work just fine. Chances are you're trying to do this in some other class that doesn't have a stage property.

If the class you're trying to run this in extends a DisplayObject such as MovieClip or Sprite you can listen for when it is added to the stage and then run your QuickKong code. Like this:

package  {

import flash.display.MovieClip;

public class Test extends MovieClip {

    public function Test() {
        addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAdded);

    private function onAdded(e:Event):void{
        // now the stage is available


Now, if for some reason you are not running your QuickKong code in a class that has access to the stage you should pass a reference to the stage into that class's constructor, like this:

var someClass:SomeClass = new SomeClass(stage);

Lastly, in your document class you could make a static variable reference the stage. Like this:

package  {

import flash.display.MovieClip;

public class Main extends MovieClip {

    public function Main() {
        Main.stage = stage;



Now, you can just say: Main.stage anywhere in your code when you need to talk about the stage:
