ARVR Toolkit Fragment Payload

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I'm trying to get fragment data using the VRAR Toolkit API so that we can make some optimizations to the mesh data. We can create a scene, process the SVF into toolkit scene, and scene process finishes, but we're having issues when we actually have to get the fragment data.

Using the following endpoint:

Returns a 200 with an octet-stream, but I can't find any documentation as to what the contents of the octet-stream are. According to the documentation ( we can specify whether to use legacy or openctm.

1) What is the legacy format? How can verts, normals, uv, etc. be extracted?

2) I tried the openctm option and saved the returned octet-stream to a .ctm file and tried opening in the OpenCTM Viewer available from ( but always get CTM_BAD_FORMAT error when trying to open the file for viewing. How can I confirm my openctm payload is correct?


There are 1 answers

Petr Broz On

The SVF format (including the mesh data format) isn't publicly documented but you can get some idea about its structure from the AR/VR Toolkit's Unity package source code: