I am trying to add some information to an array that I am working on. I found some information on this site that has allowed me to do it ( array_push() with key value pair ) but I am getting the information in the array twice and I don't understand why.
here is my array
array_push($networks[0], $networks[0]['class']='fa fa-facebook');
array(4) {
array(5) {
string(1) "3"
string(14) "facebook.com/#"
string(8) "facebook"
string(14) "fa fa-facebook"
string(14) "fa fa-facebook"
here is what I want to get
array(4) {
array(4) {
string(1) "3"
string(14) "facebook.com/#"
string(8) "facebook"
string(14) "fa fa-facebook"
as you can see. The array_push is adding a second string to the end with the fa fa-facebook info. I don't wan that there. Just the last bit should be there.
["class"]=> string(14) "fa fa-facebook"
Whats happening is that as part of your
your actually doing the assignment you need.So this is doing an assignment...
And then the result (the value of the assignment) is being added to the array.
So just use