I am developing a web app using SQLAlchemy's expression language, not its orm. I want to use multiple threads in my app, but I'm not sure about thread safety. I am using this section of the documentation to make a connection. I think this is thread safe because I reference a specific connection in each request. Is this thread safe?
Are transactions in SQLAlchemy thread safe?
3k views Asked by MKaras At
There are 2 answers
I think you are confusing atomicity with isolation.
Atomicity is usually handled through transactions and concerns integrity.
Isolation is about concurrent read/write to a database table (thus thread safety). For example: if you want to increment an int field of a table's record, you will have to select
the record's field, increment the value and update
it. If multiple threads are doing this concurrently the result will depend on the order of the reads/writes.
The docs for connections and sessions say that neither is thread safe or intended to be shared between threads.
There is no guarantee when using the same connection (and transaction context) in more than one thread that the behavior will be correct or consistent.
You should use one connection or session per thread. If you need guarantees about the data, you should set the isolation level for the engine or session. For web applications, SQLAlchemy suggests using one connection per request cycle.