Are there good GUI builder for Perl GUI libraries, especially for WxPerl?
Are there Perl GUI builders, especially for WxPerl?
2.9k views Asked by Thor At
There are 7 answers
Check out wxformbuilder. You can design your GUI there and generate an XRC file which wxPerl can then be configured to load.
Of the GUI editors that I have tried briefly, wxGlade seems the most natural to use, but it still doesn't seem to have the "drag and drop" functionality that I grew to love when working with Java in Eclipse or Netbeans. Don't get me wrong, I love Perl, but would still really like to see a nice WYSIWYG GUI editor.
I would recommend simply using web-based interfaces for everything. If you went with this approach, you could even run a local (i.e. on a Desktop) web server for "standalone" applications.
In like manner, ActiveState decided to focus on Web-based development instead of continuing work on their GUI editor
It's still fairly new, but the Padre editor has an in-development Padre::Plugin::FormBuilder plugin that takes a wxFormBuilder project file and generates pure-Perl dialog classes.