I am trying to translate the following from Javascript to MicroPython for the micro:bit. This is code example 3 from the inventor's kit translated from block to Javascript.
let light_state = 0
# how do you do this bit?
input.onPinPressed(TouchPin.P0, () => {
if (light_state == 0) {
light_state = 1
} else {
light_state = 0
basic.forever(() => {
if (light_state == 1) {
pins.analogWritePin(AnalogPin.P2, pins.analogReadPin(AnalogPin.P1))
} else {
pins.digitalWritePin(DigitalPin.P2, 0)
I can't figure out how to do the input.onPinPressed as a callback event or even a lambda. The best I can come up with is to poll pin0 repeatedly.
from microbit import *
light_on = False
while True:
if pin0.is_touched():
light_on = not light_on
if light_on:
aval = pin1.read_analog()
I have seen callbacks on switches in the MicroPython documentation but I haven't come across any event callbacks for the micro:bit pins. Is there any example code for this feature, even if it is undocumented?
Edit: I made corrections to the code - the previous MicroPython translation caused the LED to flicker continuously.
The reply from the micro:bit forum is