If I want to be XHTML strict and my headers are as follows:
"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
If I pass the HTML Tidy check is the SGML Parser check also necessary given that I want to be XHTML compliant? (I have no real reason for this, I'm just being fussy until I have a reason to be less fussy.) When I look at the "Cleanup" suggested output from the Firefox plug-in validator, it gives the following code that is missing the closing part of the <input>
<form method="post" action="set_anonymous">
<input type="submit" value="Be anonymous">
Does this kind of "cleaned up" code suggest I am using the validator improperly?
Have you tried going the other way? XHTML documents are plain XML files and their schema is defined in a dtd file.
That means any xml validator can tell you if your document is valid or not.
This is how you can validate if a document is proper:
Download XMLstarlet.
Go to XHTML dtd page and download these files:
put them all in one folder. Inside that folder, put your XHTML document (let's call it
) and run the following command:If your response is "test.xhtml - valid", you've got a valid document.
If not, the
flag will tell you what went wrong.