I've got a weird difference between x-y coordinates between two points which is causing some issues. Using a FGDB, with a featureclass with points included, as a basemap I draw a polygon using the esri snapping function on. This polygon has its corners snapped to the points and is saved in a .shp shape file. In ArcMap the x-y coordinates of the corner points are exactly the same as the points underneath them.
Now when using FME and FME dataviewer these points have slightly different x-y coordinates only differing on the 9th decimal. Meaning that the points do not fall inside the polygon creating difficulties.
To keep it simple the x-coordinate of the point is: 67479.59299999848 and the x-coordinate of the polygon corner point is: 67479.593000002205
Now my question is this: What makes the differences because the difference isn't just plain and simple rounding. With rounding I would expect a .593000000000 not a 2205 at the end.
I have screenshots but I cannot post pictures with <10 reputation...
Hope someone has an answer to how this works!
Ok let me answer my own question (which I also put on an FME forum). All credit for this answer goes to David R. from FME community knowledge center.