ArcGIS / Esri Custom Theme not showing in appbuilder

599 views Asked by At

I've followed the instructions here:

Created the correct scaffold, placed in stemapp/themes but I just can't get it to show up. Also, when I edit the DemoTheme, my changes aren't displaying. I've cleared my cache, using incognito but it's just not working. I've also used the yo generator to scaffold the theme, but no dice.

What am I doing wrong?


There are 2 answers


Two possibilities:

  1. If using Demo Theme, by default, it is disabled. To enable it, open the .repoignore file in client\stemapp\themes, remove DemoTheme from the file, and restart the node server.
  2. During development, use "http://your host/webappbuilder/?id=stemapp" to access your theme directly.

If it doesn't appear here, you are not following the instructions correctly. Make sure all your theme names are well placed. There must be instances where you still have names from your copied theme(e.g DemoTheme), replace all of them with your theme's name. It should appear.

Denver Naidoo On

Restarting the ArcGISWebAppBuider service worked for me