I am running an AR application inside Sveltekit with aFrame and AR.js. At the moment everything is working fine. I can read the bookmark and load a virtual element. My problem is that AR.js adjusts the html body to a larger size than it is and does not adapt if I change the screen size. Any help is welcome.
//componente para sombra en camera background
AFRAME.registerComponent("apply-shadowmaterial", {
init: function() {
// grab the mesh
let mesh = this.el.getObject3D("mesh");
// keep the reference to the old material
let tmp = mesh.material;
// assign the new material
mesh.material = new THREE.ShadowMaterial({ opacity: 0.1 });
mesh.receiveShadow = true;
// free memory
<a-scene id="escena" class="a-frame" gesture-detector physicallyCorrectLights="true" vr-mode-ui="enabled: false" embedded arjs ="sourceType: webcam; trackingMethod: best; detectionMode: mono; sourceWidth:2048; sourceHeight:1536; displayWidth: 2048; displayHeight: 1536" always-fullscreen renderer="precision: high; antialias: false; logarithmicDepthBuffer:true; colorManagement: true" loading-screen="dotsColor: #DBDADA; backgroundColor: #282828">
<a-asset-item id="blackM" src={`${storeData.assets.vectorFile}`}></a-asset-item>
<a-entity id="luzdirectional" light="type: directional; color: #DDD; groundColor: #DDD; intensity: 0.2; castShadow:true; target:#marcador; shadowCameraBottom:-6.0; shadowCameraTop:6.0; shadowCameraLeft:-6.0; shadowCameraRight:6.0; " position="-5.0 6.520 5.127">
<a-marker id="marcador" raycaster="objects: .clickable" emitevents="true" cursor="fuse: false; rayOrigin: mouse;" type='pattern' url='/hiro.patt' smooth='true' smoothCount='3' smoothTolerance='0.01' smoothThreshold='2'>
<a-plane id="planosombras" position="0 -0.2 0" height="500" width="500" rotation="-90 0 0" apply-shadowmaterial></a-plane>
position="0 0 0"
rotation="0 60 0"
scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"
shadow="receive: true; cast: true"
animation__pos="property:position; from:0 0 0; to:-6 0 0; dur: 1000; startEvents:pos"
animation__scale="property:scale; from:0.1 0.1 0.1; to:0 0 0; dur: 1000; startEvents:scale"
<a-entity id="camera" camera="far:10000.00; fov:80.00; near:0.005">
<a-entity id="luz" light="type: ambient; color: #DDD; groundColor: #DDD; intensity: 0.6" position="0 2 0">
<div class="nav">
<!-- <button class="btn left" onclick="backPlatillo()">❮</button>
<button class="btn right" onclick="nextPlatillo()">❯</button> -->
<div class="prod-name" id="platilloName">{storeData.title}</div>