- windows 10
- postgres version - 13.0
- aqueduct version - 3.3.0+1
- created the database and user correctly
- created the migration
I can connect to database using psql
postgresql.conf contains listen_addresses = '*', port = 5432
When I enter the command :
aqueduct db upgrade --connect postgres://app_user:password@localhost:5432/app
I get error :
There was an error connecting to the database 'app_user:password@localhost:5432/app'. Reason: unable to connect to database.
I have searched hundreds of sources already. This is a new problem that I am not the only one facing. Nobody has solved it yet!
Hero, help me please!
Hello brothers in misfortune!
I found a solution to this problem!
I rolled back the version of PostgreSQL to 10.14. It's stable.
My file
I changed to this:BUT IMPORTANT. Enter the command:
pub global activate aqueduct 4.0.0-b1
I couldn't solve this problem for 3 days! I'm happy...
I hope I can help someone else.