I'm attempting to send a row to an appsheet app with their provided API. I have it all set up in app script and I'm getting a code 200 (success) but it's not adding the data to the spreadsheet. Am I doing something wrong?
function testingAPI(){
let appId = APP ID HERE
var url = `https://api.appsheet.com/api/v2/apps/${appId}/tables/opportunity/Action`;
var options = {
"method": "post",
"headers": {
"applicationAccessKey": ACCESS KEY HERE
"httpBody": {
"Action": "Add",
"Properties": {
"Locale": "en-US",
"Location": "47.623098, -122.330184",
"Timezone": "Pacific Standard Time",
"UserSettings": {
"Option 1": "value1",
"Option 2": "value2"
"Rows": [
"IntentionSetID": "1H3t8Dt",
"AgentID": "11234",
"ActivityID": 12,
"taskComplete": true,
"taskVerified": false,
"task_verified_by": "",
"proof": "https://drive.google.com/open?id=1CpzebeLtAljqHTsFHvVCCDFc-A6aXC3O",
"agent_expected_part_detail": "",
"poc_expected_part_detail": '',
"assigned_point_value": '',
"points_assigned_by": "10/31/2014",
"actual_part_detail": "8:15:25",
"verification_date": "18:30:33"
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
I was able to find that the API call is indeed going through, but it's saying the "Action" is missing:
"RestAPIVersion": 2,
"TableName": "opportunity",
"AppTemplateVersion": "1.000247",
"Errors": "'Action' is missing.",
"AppTemplateName": "e280cf5a-e2de-4d24-89d3-95d384a2c044",
"Operation": "REST API invoke",
"RecordType": "Stop",
"Result": "Success",
"ResultSuccess": true,
"StatusCode": "OK"
changing httpBody to payload got me a step further, so now it's recognizing the "add" aspect, but it's still not understanding the properties correctly. it's showing a bunch of escape characters.
"Action": "Add",
"Properties": {},
"Rows": []
"RestAPIVersion": 2,
"TableName": "opportunity",
"AppTemplateVersion": "1.000250",
"Action": "Add",
"Errors": "API 'Properties' does not have unexpected Type of 'JObject'. Value is: '{\r\n \"Action\": \"Add\",\r\n \"Properties\": \"{Timezone=Pacific Standard Time, Location=47.623098, -122.330184, Locale=en-US}\",\r\n \"Rows\": \"[Ljava.lang.Object;@489763c2\"\r\n}'",
"AppTemplateName": "e280cf5a-e2de-4d24-89d3-95d384a2c044",
"Operation": "REST API invoke",
"RecordType": "Start",
"Result": "Failure"
The AppSheets API
POST https://api.appsheet.com/api/v2/apps/{appId}/tables/{tableName}/Action
can be used to invoke an action. This means that the action should be created in AppSheet before it can be called.Resources