Apps Not Showing in Settings on iPhone in iOS 15.4 Swift

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I recently developed an iOS app using Xcode 13.1 . I ran it on my iPhone (which is currently operating on iOS 15.4), and it worked fine.

However, my app uses the location, and I have been attempting to have the user go to settings, and enable/disable the location permission.

But my app does not appear in the list of apps in settings. It does not show up in the developer section either. I did multiple things (reboot all settings - restart my iPhone...) but nothing helped.

Info.Plist Permission:-


Permission Popup:-


How can I resolve this bug? Thanks.

Already Tried Given below Answer but no luck:-

Opening the Settings app from another app

How to open your app in Settings iOS 11

How to open Settings programmatically like in Facebook app?

How to open your app's settings (inside the Settings app) with Swift (iOS 11)?

How do I open phone settings when a button is clicked?


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