Apply function on coordinate pair along particular axis using multiple variables in Xarray

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My xarray Dataset has three dimensions,

  • x,y,t

and 2 variables,

  • foo, bar

I would like to apply function baz() on every x, y coordinate pair's time series t

baz() will accept an array of foo-s and and array of bar-s for a given (x, y)

I'm having a tough time understanding whether or not built in structures to handle/distribute this exists in either, xarray, pandas, numpy, or dask.

Any hints?

My current approach is writing a python array iterator, or exploring ufunc:

  • The issues with iterating over something in python is that I have to deal with concurrency myself and that there is overhead in the iteration.

  • The issues with ufunc is that I don't understand it enough and seems like it's a function that is applied to individual elements of the array, not subsets along axes.

The hopeful part of me is looking for something that is xarray native or daskable.


There are 1 answers


Sounds (vaguely) like you are looking for Dataset.reduce:

ds.reduce(baz, dim=('x', 'y'))