Apply CSS in Microdata +

945 views Asked by At

I like to apply CSS to match the text with the design in breadcrumbs.

For example:

 <ol itemscope itemtype="">
  <li itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope
    <a itemprop="item" href="">
    <span itemprop="name">Dresses</span></a>
    <meta itemprop="position" content="1" />
› <li itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope
    <a itemprop="item" href="">
    <span itemprop="name">Real Dresses</span></a>
    <meta itemprop="position" content="2" />

Is there a way to do so?


There are 1 answers

unor On

You can style elements with Microdata just like any other element, e.g. with an element selector (ol {color:red;}) or by adding class attributes in the HTML and using the class selector in CSS (.breadcrumbs {color:red;}).

If you want to make use of your existing Microdata attributes, you could use attribute selectors, for example:

  • a span element that has the itemprop attribute:

    span[itemprop] {color:red;}
  • a span element that has the itemprop attribute with the value name (and no other value):

    span[itemprop="name"] {color:red;}
  • a span element that has the itemprop attribute with the value name (and possibly other values):

    span[itemprop~="name"] {color:red;}