Apply CodeMirror to a ng-model-bound textarea

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I am coding a very very basic playground. For some reason, I need to embed the html panel inside an AngularJS app.

In this version, I put a JQuery change listener to the CSS panel, and applied CodeMirror to the textarea. And it worked.

I felt uncomfortable about having a JQuery event listener inside an AngularJS app, so I decided to bind the CSS panel to the AngularJS app, and made this version. But now, the problem is the CodeMirror code (that I comment below) does not work anymore:


  <div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">
    <textarea rows=10 cols=40 ng-model="area1">html body area</textarea>
    <textarea id="css" rows=10 cols=40 ng-model="css"></textarea>
  <section id="output">


var app = angular.module('myApp', []);

app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope) {
    $scope.area1 = "<body>default</body>";  
    $scope.$watch('area1', function (json) {
    }, true);

    $scope.css="body {color: red}";
    $scope.$watch('css', function (json) {
      // CodeMirror does not work anymore
      // var cm_opt = { mode: 'css', gutter: true, lineNumbers: false };
      // var css_box = document.getElementById("css");
      // var css_editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(css_box, cm_opt);
    }, true);

    function render () {
      var source = "<html><head><style>" + $scope.css + "</style></head>" + 
                   $scope.area1 +"</html>";

      var iframe = document.querySelector('#output iframe'),
          iframe_doc = iframe.contentDocument;;

Does anyone know how to make CodeMirror work here?

Additionally, is it really a bad idea to use JQuery event listeners inside an AngularJS app? What's the best structure to code this playground that uses AngularJS + CodeMirror?

Edit 1: I found this thread, then I made a codeMirror directive, it does not work well. DevTools shows me an error TypeError: textarea.getAttribute is not a function at CodeMirror.fromTextArea(...).


There are 3 answers


Here I added Demo For Code mirror in angularjs. I hope it will help you...

Here Demo

Sebri Zouhaier On
Ovidiu Dolha On

Response to solve the 2nd attempt of OP

In the directive's link function you are using the elem param as a pure HTML element (which is expected by codemirror), but angular provides it as a JQLite wrapped element - so basically you just need to get the HTML element from it and provide it to codemirror, then it will work:

var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(elm[0], cm_opt);

(note elem[0] instead of elem)

In AngularJS it is not a bad practice to use directives to wrap JQuery-based logic to make components that rely on other technologies like code-mirror. In some cases you might do this yourself, but can also use already-built third party libraries as mentioned in the other answers.

Whatever you do, make sure you encapsulate non-angular logic well, by making use of directives and services.

Hope this helps.