I am trying to use AppleScript to manipulate Mac Excel 2011 files on a Macbook Air running OSX Mavericks. I also have Parallels installed with Windows 8.1 and Windows Excel 2013.
When I run the following test script, it starts up Parallels, Windows 8.1 and Windows Excel 2013 instead of Mac Excel 2011. It doesn't even do this consistently - sometimes it will open Mac Excel 2011 after prompting for a file.
Here's the simple test script:
set theWorkbookFile to choose file with prompt "Please select an Excel workbook file:"
set theWorkbookName to name of (info for theWorkbookFile)
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
open theWorkbookFile
end tell
I tried replacing "Microsoft Excel" with "Mac Excel" but the compiler keeps changing it back.
Am I missing something simple here?
You can use the path of the application, like this :