Applescript saving lines in document as variables

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If I have a text-file looking like this:

Hi my name is John
How are you doing?

How can I get Applescript (and/or Automator) to save the sound-file on my desktop?

For the example text-file above I need two sound files:

One from"Hi my name is John"

and one from"How are you doing?"

Perhaps the script can also rename the files, so the first is called "001" and the second "002"?


There are 1 answers

ShooTerKo On

It's easy to answer the steps around the download:

on run
        -- choose the text file
        set text_file to choose file with prompt "Select your text file"
    on error
    end try
    -- read all lines of the text file
    set all_lines to paragraphs of (read text_file as «class utf8»)
    -- reset the addon counter
    set line_count to 0
    -- walk through the lines
    repeat with a_line in all_lines
        -- handle only lines with content
        if a_line ≠ "" then
            -- count the line
            set line_count to line_count + 1
            -- create an addon for later target file
            set add_on to "_" & text -3 thru -1 of ("000" & line_count)
            -- build the URL to load the sound file from
            set url_to_load to "\"" & a_line & "\""
            -- for this moment log the output only
            -- here you have to put the download code
            log add_on
            log url_to_load
        end if
    end repeat
end run

But as mentioned in my comment you have to find a way to automatically download the sound file!

But maybe this first approach helps! Michael / Hamburg