If I have a class BFLocation
and I pass an array of those objects into my applescript-objc, how do I access the class properties?
@property NSString *url;
#import "BFLocation.h"
@interface script : NSObject
- (void)processLocations:(NSArray *)locations;
script BFManager
property parent : class "NSObject"
on processLocations_(locations)
repeat with location in locations
log location's url
end repeat
end processLocations
I get
<NSAppleEventDescriptor: 'obj '{ 'form':'prop', 'want':'prop', 'seld':'url ', 'from':'obj '{ 'form':'ID ', 'want':'ocid', 'seld':'optr'($C0FF060080610000$), 'from':null() } }>
Do I need to cast location so it knows it's a BFLocation
object? Why am I getting an NSAppleEventDescriptor instead of the expected string?
Did not have the syntax correct, should be
location's |url|()