apple script update a rule for mail, to sort e.g. newsletter

231 views Asked by At

Is it possible to use apple script in mail to sort newsletter by updating a rule when I put a email for training in a specific mail folder?

  1. in mail is a folder named "trainNewsletter"
  2. in mail / rules is a rule "Newsletter" witch move mails into the folder "Newsletter" with
  3. specific from-mail-address
  4. if there is a mail in the inbox witch from-mail-address is not in the rule "Newsletter" the mail stays in the inbox
  5. I move the mail to the folder "trainNewsletter" an the script add the from-mail-address to the rule
  6. next time I get an mail with this from-mail-address it moves direkt to the folder "Newsletter"

There are 1 answers

ShooTerKo On

I'm not sure if moving the mail to another folder will trigger the rule appended to this folder, but maybe you can trigger this rule manually if needed:

Save this as a new mail rule and connect it to your folder trainNewsletter, it should get the email's sender and add it as a from is equal to-rule condition to your rule Newsletter:

using terms from application "Mail"
    on perform mail action with messages theMessages for rule theRule
        tell application "Mail"
            repeat with thisMessage in theMessages
                -- getting the sender of the email
                set theSender to sender of thisMessage

                -- setting the sender as a rule condition of rule "Newsletter"
                tell rule "Newsletter"
                    make new rule condition with properties {header:"", expression:theSender, rule type:from header, qualifier:equal to value}
                end tell

            end repeat
        end tell
    end perform mail action with messages
end using terms from

Enjoy, Michael / Hamburg