When submitting Apple Pay Sheet, PKPayment
from paymentAuthorizationViewController: didAuthorizePayment:
will give me shipping and billing details, depending on what I set in the PKPaymentRequest
However, due to primitive testing (Apple Pay not launched in the UK), Stripe's basic ApplePaySheetStub and iOS9's issue with requesting PKAddressFieldName, I haven't been able to find out the answer to this question: In Apple Pay Sheet - what is the difference between the name under CONTACT section and name under SHIPPING section?
I can find name from SHIPPING section from PKPayment
, but should name under CONTACT section be populated, where would I find that post-authorisation
From talking to Apple, the name under CONTACT section will only appear if the payment request didn't include shipping Address field. In other words, PKAddressFieldPostalAddress & PKAddressFieldName can't be both requested for shipping.
Based on that explanation, you won't see name under contact and under shipping. Its one or the other.