I have the following controller action which returns current users inbox messages (I'm using mailboxer):
def index
@conversations = mailbox.inbox
render :template => "/api/communications/index.json.jbuilder"
This renders a json response where jbuilder kicks in:
json.array!(@conversations) do |conversation|
json.id conversation.id
json.sender conversation.last_sender.name
json.subject conversation.subject
json.body conversation.last_message.body
json.current_user_id current_user.id
json.current_user_name current_user.name
json.admin current_user.is_admin?
Note the last 3 json values that are built off current_user which is a helper method declared in my application_controller. I have two questions here:
1) Alhthough this kind of works, it would be better to break the current_user values out of the array. If I simply move them out of the block I get the following error:
TypeError (can't convert String into Integer)
2) If the current_user has no conversations in their inbox the array will be empty (@conversations is blank) so current_user values are not passed.
So to recap: Can I append current_user values to an existing array and can I append current_user values to an empty array?
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