Appending to bibliographic collection in OpenalexR

50 views Asked by At

I would like to combine two bibliographic collections that I have downloaded with openalexR, by appending the second to the first.

In my minimal example, I download only one work for each collection and want to append the second to the first. However, my result is not a tibble with two observations, but a "list of 72".


works_from_dois1 <- oa_fetch(
  entity = "works",
  doi = c("10.1080/1369183X.2016.1176906")

works_from_dois2 <- oa_fetch(
  entity = "works",
  doi = c("10.1016/j.socnet.2013.11.001")


works_from_dois_all <- append(works_from_dois1,works_from_dois2)


I would appreciate any help! Richard


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