This question is related to: Import timeseries via loop (pot. generic)
I want to import an arbitrary number of files posited in the same directory, but not continuously labelled, e.g.: file_1,file_4,file_3001
I have a small import script that works for consecutive files similar to the following:
scalar first = 1 #the first file is file_1.tsv
scalar last = 5000 #the last file
base_path = "c:/results/file_"
sprintf temp_path "%s%d.tsv",base_path,first
open @temp_path --preserve
setobs 1 1 --special-time-series
loop for (i=first+1;i<=last;i+=1) --quiet
sprintf temp_path "%s%d",base_path,i
append @temp_path
Now, when I use it on a setting as above (with missing files) I get an error and the script stops:
Couldn't open ...
is it possible to somehow proceed / catch the error and "continue" ?
I think the "catch" command can do what you need. Take a look at the following code: