I got the files for the Millennial Media module for Appcelerator from the following link: https://github.com/appcelerator-archive/ti.millennialmedia
I have built the .zip file and install the module in my project. When calling for example the ad banner with the following code:
apid: '234859',
bottom: 0,
width: 320,
height: 50,
adType: MillennialMedia.TYPE_BANNER
I get an error saying:
Error: invalid method (createView) passed to TiMillennialmediaModule
Using Titanium SDK 6.0.1.GA Testing on IOS
What's the version of the module?
My suggestion is to remove the old version and install manually the latest one: v3.1.1.
Other thing, I've noticed that in the manifest file for iOS, the apiversion version is 2, I don't know if it's only needed to change to 3 on android or id this applies also to iOS.
Any way, have you tried to compile the module with the minSdk set to 6.0.0? In the manifest file is: minsdk: 3.4.1.GA
Rebuild the module it's only necessary if you are using android so that's not your case but here goes the: Tim Poulson’s Blog Post.