App Status is "Pending Contracts" after renewal of Apple Developer Program

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My Apple Developer program membership is expired, so my App has been removed from the App Store.

And I already renewed today, but the App status in iTunes Connect still shows pending contracts like the following picture:

Pending Contracts

What should I do after renewals? Should I submit the App again?


There are 6 answers

iPhone developer. On

Once you have applied for renewal of contract, then Apple will send one code within 2 business days. You need to click on the activation code and enter it to activate account. Once you activate your account, the application state will automatically change from Pending contract to "Ready for sale"

No need to submit application again...!!!

Santu C On

Apple won't publish apps until you've accepted the contracts.

  • Log in to iTunes Connect.
  • Go to Contracts, Tax and Banking.
  • Add the necessary info there. Your app will then be automatically approved.

We hit this problem and tried a number of methods as found to fix it but got nowehere. It appears we had paid the renewal in the developer center but for some reason the update was not synchronised with itunes connect.

A quick call to iOS developer center on one of the numbers listed on the following page and the issue was fixed by the support person within a couple of minutes.

Timchang Wuyep On
  • Login to iTunesConnect.
  • Go to Contracts, Tax and Banking.
  • Fill in your info.
zeeawan On

Login to your apple developer account and you would need to clear any notifications like the one shown here.

enter image description here

Codler On

When your status is Active (Pending User Info).

Go to Agreements, Tax, and Banking and View for paid apps. In that page you need to add contact for Senior Management, Financial, Technical, Legal, Marketing and you are done.